Thursday, October 27, 2016

Load Gear without Injury

You’ve heard the story before, whether loading gear or moving items, people twist weird or lift something incorrectly and they end up hurting themselves.  Whether it’s just a pinch or a full on throbbing pain that hinders their ability to do much of anything it could have been avoided.  Sometimes you do need more than yourself and you should ask for help.  Although, other times you just need to watch your form and build up some more muscle.  Here is one simple exercise you can do to help gain strength and build in the correct form.

Pick it up and set it down
This move is quite easy but take it slow, don’t use any weights at first and concentrate on your form.  To start stand tall with your shoulders back and feet shoulder length apart and your feet comfortable.  Then step your right foot away from your right side and a little forward.  (Essentially lunging to the right)  Your right knee should have a 90 or so degree angle and your left knee should be bent.  Keep your butt low and reach towards the floor imagining you are picking up heavy box of jig heads.  Ensure that as you lean your upper body forward you are keeping your back straight .  Bring your imaginary jigs towards your chest, stand up while untwisting and pretend you are putting the jigs on a high shelf above your left foot. As you are standing up your right foot goes back to it’s original position.  Then go back down and repeat.  Do this 20 times on that side. Switch sides and do 20 reps.  After you have done all that do it again on both sides!

For more intensity, grab a light weight.  Start small and work your way up. 15 pounds would be max!

Now while the majority of our equipment is light there are a couple things that do weigh quite a bit.  Items like our crate, kayaks, livewell, and even a stringer full of fish.  Anytime we load or unload these items we are twisting and placing them somewhere.  Learn to use the proper form in a controlled setting so when you move like that in real life, you will use the correct form and not hurt yourself!  All leading you to continue to enjoy our great hobby!

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Skunkset: Staying positive

The dreaded Skunkset picture. You know, the one that you post on social media when you went fishing but didn't land anything. Almost every one of us has had this awful experience.  We load our gear, double check to make sure we have everything we need and want to bring.  We get to the launch, load our kayaks with our gear and push off in hopes of catching a new personal best.  After throwing lure after lure we start to get disheartened.  We push on, tie on a bait we rarely use in hopes it would work.  Nothing.  Then we finally tie on our good ol’ sure-to-produce lure.  Aaannnddd nothing.  

Experiences like this can be extremely disappointing and make one of our favorite pass times that is suppose to calm us do the exact opposite.  It makes us irritated and wondering why we even decided to take it up.  Sadly these experiences don’t just happen to on the water.  They can happen with anything.  For example: running, learning a new subject, construction, and so much more.  The below tips although directed more at fishing they can apply to any part of your life that you are experiencing this disappointment.

Yes, you read that correctly.  Breathe.  Take a couple seconds, close your eyes, and breathe.  It may sound ridiculous but it will work.  So close your eyes, open your ears to hear the sounds around you, and breathe.  Then open your eyes and look at the beautiful place you get to fish.  You are able to be there, catching is secondary at best.  Use this time to connect with nature.  Look at the water, shoreline, sky, all of it and breathe all while listening to the sounds of nature. All around you.  Clear your mind and just let your surroundings entrance you.  After a couple breaths, breathe one more time and then go back to fishing.

Change Got to Get
As hard as this is to say and accept, especially when you’re feeling the skunk make this one change.  Instead of saying “I got to catch a fish” or “I need to catch a fish” say “I get to go fishing”.  It’s a blessing that you are able to go out and fish.  Let’s put some perspective on it.  Some folks may be stuck at work, have family commitments, or who knows what.  They may much rather be out there on the water, even if they aren’t catching.  You are lucky to have the time and everything it takes to be able to chase our hobbies.  It’s not a necessity, you don’t need to, and you don’t have to catch a fish.  You get to go fishing.

Original Reason for this Passion
When I get extremely frustrated with not having success I try to think back on why I originally took up this hobby.  Personally, I took up fishing because I couldn’t find a summer job after graduating college and wanted something to help me pass the time in between applying for jobs.  As soon as I hit the shore and started casting I remembered how I used to love the outdoors.  Something I completely forgot about for 6 years.  I love being in the fresh air, relaxing, and enjoying nature.  So when I get frustrated with a lack of success I go back to that feeling.  The love of being outside.  Then I breathe, intentionally smile, look around at the beautiful place I get to fish, and remember that I took this hobby up to pass the time and enjoy nature.  Why waste time getting mad or upset.  Just be outside and enjoying life.

Now all this is easier said (written and read) than it is to do.  I understand that.  Even I struggle with staying positive when I’m getting skunked.  I do my best to follow these three tips and I usually end up happy again and enjoying my time on the water.  I get to fish in amazing area's with great friends, and I’m able to be lucky enough to take the time to enjoy this hobby.  So don’t let the frustration get the better of you.  Remember to enjoy being outside, breathe, relax, and take in the fact that you get to do this!

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Old School Ice Fishing Made Easy

Photo Courtesy of Coulee Region Adventures

Winter’s coming and it’ll only be a matter of a few weeks before the snow flies and the ice takes over our waterways.  What does this mean for fisherman?  Some hang it up and wait until soft water appears again while others brave the cold and see if they can bring home fresh fish!  With the cold weather breathing down our necks it is a perfect time to get the muscles in shape so you can hit the ice safely.  I know, there are snowmobiles, fourwheelers, and more, but this one goes out to those don’t have those fun pieces of equipment and drag out a sled with their gear.  Do these 3 moves leading into and throughout the season and you will find getting on and back from the ice is a lot easier!

Leggy Lengthy Lunges
This move is a basic lunge but you want to make sure you get low enough to really grow the muscle.  So to pull this move off here’s what you do.  Stand tall feet next to each other facing forward.  Step the left foot forward about 4-5 feet in front of you.  Keep your back leg straight and bend your front knee.  The goal is to have a 90 degree bend in your right knee.  While keeping your left leg straight ensure that your upper body is looking straight ahead and not towards the ground.  Push off your right foot and have your left foot meet your right foot.  Repeat but stepping forward with your left foot.  For an extra burn, add some weights!  Dumb bells, a cat, your kid, fishing equipment, anything!

Around the Clock
Grab a light weight.  When I say light, I mean light, like 3 - 10 pounds, no more.  While standing reach your arms out in front of you holding the weight with both hands.  Then imagine you are stirring a cauldron full of mashed potatoes.  Stir in a counterclockwise direction for 30 seconds.  Then switch directions for another 30 seconds.  This will get you ready to hand auger any 15”+ deep hole!

Crouching Punch
Ok, so this is a strange one but it will help you drag that sled behind you.  Grab something soft to sit on, like carpet, a yoga mat, or something similar.  Lay down on your back with your feet on the floor causing your knees to be bent and up in the air.  Then make a very small curve of a c with your torso.  Crunch up with your hands in fists right in front of you (like a fighter).  Then as your back comes up to a 45+ degree angle punch the right and then left hands.  Put the hands back to the fighter position and lay back down.  Keep your belly button sucked back and abs engaged the entire time!

If you do these moves from now until there’s ice (and after) you’ll be set to hit the ice and catch some fish without struggling nearly as much with your gear!  Good luck and get fit!

Thursday, October 6, 2016

3 Camping Workout moves

Who loves camping?  Whether you are camping with a tent or an RV you can easily do these 3 moves anywhere, anytime that will have you earning that s’mores and will help you stay fit when out in the wild!

Under the Fence
One of my all time favorite moves to do because it works your chest, back and shoulders!  Get into a plank position.  Scoot your feet in a 3 inches.  Bring your butt up and straighten your arms so you are now in a downward dog position.  Then bring your head down, arch your back and pretend to go under a fence.  The fence is just in front of your hands.  Then back yourself out by going under the fence.  Repeat until you max out.

Get Low  and Jump High
Also known as squat jumps this one will get your heart pumping and sweat dripping.  With your feet shoulder length apart and feet facing forward squat down.  The lower you can get the better (as long as it isn’t painful).  Then jump up reaching your hands toward the sky.  Land on your toes and then come back into the squat.  Repeat until you do 30.  Try to land quietly on your toes. For more intensity, get lower in your squat and jump higher!

Raise n Twist
Now for some core work!  Stand tall and put your hands on the back of your head, elbows off to the side.  Keep your core muscles activated bring your left leg up with your knee bent at 90 degrees.  As your knee comes up, twist your upper body to the left.  Try to have your right elbow touch your left knee.  Remember to stay standing tall, and keep the core muscles, abdomen, glutes, etc.) activated.  Lower your leg and untwist your upper body.  Repeat with raising your right leg and twisting your left elbow to the right.  Do this at a medium pace until you do 30 on each side. Speed isn’t your friend, but height is!

Then if you want to take it to the next level, repeat these exercises 2 more times with a 15 second rest between each!  Good luck and have fun!