Thursday, May 11, 2017

Stop Ignoring It

Why do we close our eyes, shut off our ears, and ignore things?  Because we don’t want to hear it usually!  When we have goals we are working towards we don’t want to get sidetracked.  However, there are times when we need to have a seat on the bench and take a short break.  

To my grumbling and dismay I sadly have to take a seat on the bench this week.  For the past year I’ve been having some lower back pain.  It started when I was doing a burpee workout move and wasn’t using proper form.  I had some pain the next day and then it slowly dissipated.  I kept working out even though it was sore.  The pain subsided but it comes back quite quickly anytime I do any burpee exercise.  Now the easy response is to say no more burpees.  But they are a great move to do for multiple reasons.  I watched my form like a hawk and my lower back still hurt the next day.  It even got to points where holding a plank caused some pain.  The good news it goes away.  However, this last week the pain has stayed a bit longer than other times.  So what do you do?  You take the bench and make this week a rest week.  Do some basic stretching, and keep the mobility of other joints.  But I’m laying off any lifting, or most physical exercise.  It sucks.  I really want to workout, but know I shouldn’t.  The reason for taking this week off is to let it fully heal.  I’m sick and tired of it hurting so easily.  I’m hoping that if I let it fully heal I’ll be set to rock and roll with all my workouts!

Life likes to throw us curve balls, big and small.  In the big picture, this is a small curve ball.  But it still slows me down from reaching my goal.  What does this mean to you?  It means that you should listen to your body.  Don’t ignore the pain.  Yes, there is some pain you can work through but there are times when you need to just take a break.  That doesn’t mean that you fell off the wagon.  When you’re taking your break, concentrate on eating well and staying active through other means.  That way you’re holding the course and will be set to hit the workouts as soon as you’re able.

The moral of this post: Listen to your body!

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Say NO To Sore B's when Paddling

That’s right, you read it correctly!  Say No to sore B’s.  The B’s being your Butt and your Back of course!  Let’s face it, as kayak anglers we love being on the water and chasing our new personal best.  This usually means we are out for a number of hours and usually sitting down for the majority of that time.  While companies have vastly improved the seats to help keep us comfortable as long as possible our butts and back still get sore!  Say NO to the soreness and give this ONE easy stretch you can do while you’re in your kayak.

First, put your rods in their holders or strap them to your kayak.  Also, strap your paddle to your kayak or place it by your feet.  Sit tall in the seat and have your feet flat against the floor of your yak.  To do this you will need to bring your feet closer to the chair.  Then put the calf of your left leg on top of the quad of your right leg.  You may need to help it up with your arms.  Keep your back tall and lean forward over your left calf.  You should feel the stretch in your left butt cheek and lower back.  Exhale and breath deep for a couple breaths.  Then put your left leg down and change legs.  

If you are unable to get your calf on top of the your quads, then keep your feet flat against the floor and lean forward keeping your back tall.  You should feel the stretch in your lower back and buttocks!

Want more? Then as you lean forward twist outward so you head and shoulders turn towards the leg that is planted firmly on the kayak.

Try this move when you start to feel the soreness start to set it!  Where do you get sore when kayak fishing?  Let me know in the comments or tag me on Facebook or Instagram and I can help you (and others) find ways to relieve it!