Thursday, December 22, 2016

Set your 2017 Goals and find Success!

A new year is just around the corner!  It is quite an exciting time of the year.  Many people, perhaps you awe well are bustling around getting ready for the holidays and looking forward to some time off work and spending it with family.  Last week’s article talked about how to reflect on this year and what we can take away from it.  In this post let’s look ahead towards 2017 and get a game plan set so we can start the year strong and continue it all year long!  Let’s dive in!
If you haven’t reflected on this past year, ensure that you take some time to do that.  This will help you develop goals for the upcoming year.  After you reflected grab a notebook or something to write on and a pencil.  Then jot down some things that you didn’t achieve this past year that you would’ve liked to.  Also, write down some items that you did but would like to grow and improve.  For example, I put on a community concert with my school choirs every year.  Usually they just sing in it, but for next year I’m going to create a community choir and possibly a men’s group to sing with them.  It’ll be a fun and beneficial experience for my students and the community.  In that example, I took something I already do and beefed it up for next year.
You should have more than one or two, but I wouldn’t go crazy and have over 20.  Once you have those written down, take a look at the list and see which ones can be achieved in a shorter length of time and ones that’ll take time.  Then re-write them in these categories: 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, and by the End of 2017.
Excellent!  You should now have a list of what you’d like to do and accomplish next year (goals) and how long you think it’ll take to achieve them.  The next step is to write down all the months, January through December.  Now comes the slightly trickier part, putting your goals into the months.  Some goals might have to be in certain months.  For example, my community concert is in February.  So that’ll be in January and Feb to make that happen.  If possible, try to spread them out through the year so you aren’t crazily overwhelmed.  So if you have a goal that’ll take a 1 month, find a month and write it in there.  If it’ll take 6 months, write it in all 6 months.  This way you are always working towards something and hopefully completing something every month or two.  You may need to erase and rewrite your goals to space it throughout the year.  Also think of times that you know are crazy for you.  If you travel a lot in December, then put less in that month.  Don’t just leave it blank, but don’t put as much as some other months.  If needed, rewrite the list to get it clean.
Lastly, take yet another sheet of paper and write each goal down. Each goal should be specific.  Don’t leave it open ended.  Make it a SMART Goal. (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time-based) After you write it down, write the length of time you think it’ll take to complete it.  THEN underneath it, write how you are going to achieve the goal.  You can write it in any way that works for you, but here is what I do and would suggest.
Example 1)
  Catch a Redfish on the Fly – 1 Month
            July, visit friends in Lousiana
            Plan trips to bayou’s and good fisheries
            Catch a red on the fly
Example 2)
  Do 100 pushups without stopping – 6 months
            Month 1 – do 30 pushups (spaced through the day if necessary but pushing myself to do it all at once by the last week)
            Month 2-3 – 60 pushups (spaced if needed but then without stopping)
            Month 3-4 – 80 pushups (spaced if needed but then without stopping)
            Month 5-6 – 100 pushups (spaced if needed but then without stopping)
Once you have your SMART Goals written and a plan of how to achieve them keep that along with your Monthly Calendar together.  Then for each month, write down your goals and put them in a place you will see it every day.  You can and should write down your daily goals (until it becomes a solid habit) and keep them in a place you will see every day like your bathroom mirror, refrigerator, etc..
Lastly, share your goals.  Share them with your family and close friends.  Heck, I want to hear them!  Send me an email at or message or share them with me on Facebook.  I’d love to hear and see what you will be achieving.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Reflecting on a Great Year

Welcome to the final weeks of 2016!  With the rush and excitement of the holidays it’s easy to get wrapped up in all the excitement.  Spending time with family, friends, and even your pets can make it a thankful time of the year.  With all the hustle and bustle be sure to schedule time to reflect.  It could be 5 minutes or 30 minutes, however long you think you will need to fully reflect on everything that happened this year  Grab some paper and pencil and get ready to reflect.  Here are some tips to help you get the most from your reflection.

Successes - Write down some of your successes?  Not just the big ones, but the small ones.  Maybe you received a promotion, perhaps you’re on a pro-staff, or maybe you got married.  Or you finally achieved a new personal best catch, or took a small trip, or perhaps you were able to spend a handful of nights alone with your significant other.  Whatever it is, write it down.  Then add what made those events possible below them.  Things like, trying new waters, staying consistent, dedicated, etc.  

Failures - Why would you want to reflect on a negative thing like failures?  Well, because you can and should learn from them.  Grabbing your paper and pencil write down some of your failures.  Again, big and small ones.  After you write those down, add what you think caused those issues below them.  ALSO, and don’t forget this step, write down what you learned from these failures.  What did you take away?  Sometimes we struggle and figuring out what we can take away.  It could be that you learned not to do something, to try a different approach, learn a new trick of the trade, etc.  

You have one more section to write down after your successes and failures, and that’s what you’re thankful for.  Whether it’s family, friends, pro-staff, job, pets, experiences, etc.  write them down.  Again it doesn’t matter if it’s big or small add them to your list.

Now that you have written the big and small things that happened to you and things you are thankful for this past year take second and breath.  Close your eyes and let your mind and body relax.  Then open your eyes and read through your list.  Think of and smile at your successes, read what you learned from your failures and conjour up ideas of how you can use the things you learned in the future.  Finally, read through everything you are thankful for.  This list are people, things, experiences, that help make you who you are today.  They helped you through those rough times and will help you in the future.  Be thankful for being alive and having such experiences.  

Congratulations on having a fabulous year.  I hope 2017 is filled with many great experiences for you and that you will grow even more and achieve or get closer to your goals and dreams.  Here’s to you and a great 2016!

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Make Tracks and Get Fit: Snowshoeing

For most of us folks in the northern half of the US or for folks in the mountains the snow is starting to fly.  Everything looks clean and beautiful but it can make our hiking and fishing a little trickier.  However the snow shouldn’t stop us from getting outside.  One fun sport that will get you enjoying the beauty of nature is snowshoeing!  Snowshoeing is gaining popularity across the country.  It will take you out into woods, prairies, by rivers, lakes and more.  You may even find new waters to fish!  Many cities have programs set up where you can rent snowshoes or if you have a ski hill near you they may have some for rent.  These places usually have trails already set up so you can start hiking your way across the snow covered trails.  Otherwise find your favorite woods or prairies and create your own trail.

Snowshoeing is a great way to help you stay fit as it not only gives your legs a workout but it will raise your heart rate and help you build endurance.  Walking with snowshoes strapped on is a little tricky at first but they make walking over deep snow much easier.  Finding the proper sizing is crucial.  Like everything, there are different styles for different purposes.  The place you rent from can help you find the right ones, otherwise take a couple minutes and look up what snowshoe would be best for you and where you are hiking.  You don’t want something that is going to be too big as you can end up tripping on them as you walk.  

Also, you’ll want to stay comfortable while you are hiking.  Because it will raise your heart rate, you can start sweating and not wearing the proper clothing can lead you to have a miserable time.  I’d highly suggest wearing layers.  That way you can take off or add layers as needed. While snow pants aren’t necessary, they will help keep your legs dry and comfortable.  I’d also suggest bringing a bottle of water and some snacks (depending on how long you’ll be out).  We don’t realize how quickly we get dehydrated in cooler weather, so be sure you are have some water at the ready.  

Lastly, take a camera.  Whether hiking an already prepared trail or making your own, you will see some beautiful sights.  Remember them and share them with your friends and family!  I’d also love see your adventures, please comment below with them or tag me, @Jonesintogetfit in a picture of you snowshoeing!  Good luck, have fun, and stay safe!

Thursday, December 1, 2016

10 Rad Gifts for the Outdoor Fitness Enthusiast

The Holiday’s Season is here and one question we may get asked by our loved ones is “What’s on your Christmas List”.  I know for many of us just spending time with our loved ones is plenty, however they always seem to want physical items to give.  So here are my top 10 gift ideas for the Outdoor Fitness Enthusiast.  Some are geared for Winter, some Summer, and some can be used year round.

1)Snow Shoes
Snowshoeing is a great way to get outside and explore the woods and trails after it snows.  It will get your heart pumping and burning calories as you hike over the snow and see what the Winter Wonderland has to offer.

A tubular piece of fabric that is UV resistant and can help you not get a sunburn but also helps keep the cold wind from hitting your skin.  These are perfect while on the water, hiking, skiing, snowshoeing, or anything outside. I personally love my Tailin Toad’s Shieldz as I like the lightness of them and, of course, their color choices.  (I’m not on their Pro Staff, just love their products.)

If you know me at all, this one’s not a shocker.  Heck it should be #1! Getting your buns in a kayak and paddling is a great way to burn some calories and see some amazing scenery.  Plus, you can add a couple fishing poles, gear, and catch some fish while you’re out exercising!

4) Hiking Boots
A pair of hiking boots will treat you well throughout the year!  No matter the season a nice pair of hiking boots will keep you comfortable and able to not only see new sights, but you can find a new hunting ground, a secluded kayak landing, and who knows what else, while you’re torching some calories!

They are great for your kayak and boats but also for hiking and geocaching.  If you are looking for a way to get your kids out in nature take them on a scavenger hunt!  A GPS is an essential tool for participating in this fun activity plus it’s a great way to teach your kids some survival skills.  

6)Fleece Beanie
Not so much for Summer but for parts of the other seasons wearing a good hat can make the difference between having a great time and it sucking wind.  The trick is to get one that wicks moisture but will also keep you warm.  Hence why I suggest a fleece beanie.  They are comfortable, wick moisture, and keeps my noggin’ warm.  (Again, I love the Tailin’ Toad Beaniez.  I’m not on their Pro Staff or anything.  I just love their products!)

7)Pedometer or similar
Having a device that tracks your steps can be a huge asset to knowing how much activity you’ve had in a day.  There are days where I thought I was a rockstar only to find out that I wasn’t.  And vise versa.  There are many brands out there, but I love my Fitbit watch.  It does a lot more than just count steps, it measures my heart rate, estimates calories burned, offers workouts, timers, tracks my sleep, and much much more.  Knowing more about your sleeping and life habits can help you adjust as needed to maximize what you can!

8)Cross Country Ski’s
Let’s get back to Winter.  With Snow taking over the majority of the United States for a couple months it’s important to get out, get some fresh air, and bust out a fun workout.  Many city parks, and ski areas having cross country scales.  Just do a quick search and you will be amazed at how many there are near you.  You can rent them at first but then get your own pair and you can start creating your own trails and see some virgin snow.  
Cross Country Ski’s

9) Bicycle
Whether it’s a Fat Tire Bicycle for winter trail riding, a mountain bike for riding the trails the other times of the year, or a road bicycle it’s hard to go wrong.  Not only are these a great source of transportation they will get your blood pumping and you’ll be scorching some calories.  Plus, you can check on your hunting grounds, scope out new areas, or just get some fresh air!

10) Action Camera

You’re outside, getting fit, and rocking it!  Capture your experiences and share them with your friends and family!  There are many action cameras on the market.  I’ve tried a number and really like Go Pro’s cameras.  (I’m not affiliated at all.)  They are relatively easy to use, have a sharp image, and are very easy to carry with you no matter what activity you are doing!  I’d love to see what you’re doing!  Take some pictures or videos are share them with me on social media.  Just take Jonesin’ to get Fit!

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Gratefulness and Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

I truly hope that you are taking today to be thankful for everything that you have.  Whether it’s your health, family, friends, freedom, and/or many other things, be thankful.  We are incredibly lucky and blessed to have the opportunities we do.  Yes, they come from working hard, staying focused, and being prepared to take on challenges, so we can enjoy the opportunities when they arise.  There’s no doubt that if you want something, you will have to go get it and work for it.  But be thankful that you are able to go for it, be thankful for the opportunities that come your way.

For me, I am extremely grateful for all of you.  My readers, my friends.  Without you and your support I wouldn’t be where I am today.  Thank you for everything.  I am extremely blessed by having an amazing wife.  Her and her family have encouraged me and supported me when going after my dreams.  I would like to thank my co-workers, students, and families who make so much of my day amazing and fun.  

I would also like to thank Beachbody and everyone involved for helping me become the best person I am today.  Not only physically but mentally.  The organization has truly changed the way I think and act on a daily basis and my life has changed for the better.

Lastly, but most definitely not least, I want to thank God.  He has blessed me with the amazing people and opportunities in my life so I can go after my goals and dreams.  And I can only hope that I can help other people go after their dreams.

So today, of all days, be thankful.  Find not just one, not even two, but multiple things to be grateful for.  

Thursday, November 17, 2016

4 Tips for Running in Colder Weather

Winter is coming in a hurry and the temperature is dropping.  As many of you probably know running is a great way to get your heart pumping and lose weight.  Running in the warmer months is easy but hitting the pavement when it’s cold out takes a hair more planning.  Follow these 4 tips to have a successful and enjoyable winter run.

0.5 Warm-up.  Do a quick cleaning around the house, run up and down the stairs a bit, anything to help get your heart rate up.  Be careful though as you don’t want to start sweating.  After warming up, do some basic running stretches to make sure your muscles are ready for the run.

  1. Dress for the 15-20 degree warmer weather.
Your core temperature will rise when you start running and you don’t want to break into a sweat right away.  To help you stay as comfortable as possible when you’re out, dress for 15-20 degrees warmer.  For 30 degrees, I’d suggest wearing 1 pair of pants, and 1 long sleeve top, perhaps a vest of to help keep your core warm.  For every 10-15 degree cooler add another top and bottom layer.

  1. Dress to be Seen
With the snow banks, and the glare of white snow on the ground it can be harder for drivers to see you run.  Add a headlamp, blinking light to your back and/or a reflective vest and you’ll be very visible!

  1. Dealing with the Wind
There’s no doubt about it, the winter wind can be brutal.  It is only worse when you are sweating.  To avoid getting the chills while running, start your run into the wind before you start sweating.  On your way back, while you are sweating up a storm, the wind will be behind you and won’t be chilling you to the bone.

  1. Change Quickly after the Run
Avoid getting the chills after your run by changing out of your clothes quickly.  After your run, your core temperature drops rather quickly.  By changing right when you get back, you’ll get the wet clothes off and stop them from dropping your temperature even more.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

2 moves to gain a stronger paddle stroke

Let’s face the truth...many of us are kayak anglers.  And although Winter is breathing down our necks you can start getting ready for soft water and have a stronger paddle stroke. We got into kayak fishing for our own reasons but really, we want to catch a new personal best.  To help us get those honey holes we need our trusty kayak and motor.  Oh WAIT! We don’t have motors, we have paddles.  So let’s rev up your guns chilling on the outside of your shoulders and gain a stronger paddle stroke. Why? So you can get to that honey hole faster and catch even more PB!

Making 8’s - sideways
Paddling our kayaks utilizes many of our core muscles. So let’s make them stronger! Sit on the floor with your legs slightly bent.  Your kneecaps should be facing the ceiling. Then while maintaining a straight back lean backwards towards the floor.  Without falling onto your back interlace your fingers and let your palms touch.  Then with your hands make a sideways figure 8 motion.  Your upper body should rotate with your hands.  You should feel this in your abdomen.  Do this move as long as possible To intensify it, add some weights and/or get lower to the ground.

Boulder Shoulders!

Our shoulders are the one muscle group that attach our arms to our body and help transfer the energy from our torso to our paddle.  So let’s not only get them stronger but build up endurance. Stand tall with your feet shoulder length apart.  Now imagine you’re a zombie and raise both arms forward without bending the elbow.  Bring your arms down and then raise them sideways without bending your elbow.  Repeat, repeat, repeat.  Do this as many times as possible.  To intensify this move, add some weights!

Thursday, November 3, 2016

5 Road Trip Snacks for the Health Conscious

5 Road Trip Snacks for the Health Conscious

One of my favorite things about kayak fishing is our community.  You can meet people at tournaments, boondoggles, trade shows, Facebook, and at many other places.  These events usually include a road trip but then we may take a trip to go visit our friends and fish with them.  That calls for…. you guessed it!  A ROAD TRIP!  As we drive on the concrete river to our destination we start to snack.  Sadly, many convenience stores don’t have the healthiest options.  So here are 5 snacks you can either bring from home and/or pick up at a gas station.
            These tasty fruits are a great way to stave off hunger and get a fruit in your diet.  A medium apple is just shy of 100 calories and counts as 1 of the 2 daily recommend cups of fruits adults should get every day.  On top of that they are a great source of soluble fiber, vitamin C, and are suggested to help lower the chance of a stroke.
            Beef Jerky is a great snack while on the road or water.  It is packed with protein and doesn’t raise tell your body to store fat by raising insulin levels.  Many people think that it isn’t healthy for you because of the preservatives and high amounts of sodium that can be found in many packages.  This is true to an extent.  There are a number of preservative free and low sodium options out there.  Give them a shot and get some protein while on the road.
            I can’t think of a better snack while I’m driving than nuts.  I can literally go through an entire can in a 4 hour drive without even thinking about it.  I really need to measure out how much I’m going to have in one sitting.  I do this by putting the nuts in the lid, taking one handful, or if I’m smart and thinking ahead pre-pack them in a container or bag.  Nuts are great because they are packed with protein and filled with the right kind of fat.  Depending on the nuts, they have unsaturated fats, Omega- 3 fatty acids, Vitamin E, Fiber, and much more.  Remember you do need fat in your diet, just the healthy kind of fat!  And as far as the sodium goes, look for unsalted or slightly salted nuts.  I have just recent found Planters NUT-rition to be a delicious and healthy treat.
            Unless you are on the water (bad juju and all), then bananas are a delicious and easy snack for your road trip.  Already set for easy handling, just unpeel and eat!  Besides being easy to eat bananas are great for you. They have numerous essential nutrients, fiber, and several antioxidants. So grab some of these yellow beauties and enjoy!
-Baby Carrots
            I mean really, baby carrots.  How can you go wrong!  Colorful, crunchy, and super nutritious health food that’s easy to handle!  These little guys are packed with Fiber, Vitamin K, antioxidants, and so much more.  You could almost call them a Super Snack!  Grab a bag of rinsed baby carrots from the store and start snacking away.  Instead of dipping them in ranch or something not as healthy, try peanut butter.  A fun and different way to have these amazing roots.  Give it a try, it may become your favorite food!

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Load Gear without Injury

You’ve heard the story before, whether loading gear or moving items, people twist weird or lift something incorrectly and they end up hurting themselves.  Whether it’s just a pinch or a full on throbbing pain that hinders their ability to do much of anything it could have been avoided.  Sometimes you do need more than yourself and you should ask for help.  Although, other times you just need to watch your form and build up some more muscle.  Here is one simple exercise you can do to help gain strength and build in the correct form.

Pick it up and set it down
This move is quite easy but take it slow, don’t use any weights at first and concentrate on your form.  To start stand tall with your shoulders back and feet shoulder length apart and your feet comfortable.  Then step your right foot away from your right side and a little forward.  (Essentially lunging to the right)  Your right knee should have a 90 or so degree angle and your left knee should be bent.  Keep your butt low and reach towards the floor imagining you are picking up heavy box of jig heads.  Ensure that as you lean your upper body forward you are keeping your back straight .  Bring your imaginary jigs towards your chest, stand up while untwisting and pretend you are putting the jigs on a high shelf above your left foot. As you are standing up your right foot goes back to it’s original position.  Then go back down and repeat.  Do this 20 times on that side. Switch sides and do 20 reps.  After you have done all that do it again on both sides!

For more intensity, grab a light weight.  Start small and work your way up. 15 pounds would be max!

Now while the majority of our equipment is light there are a couple things that do weigh quite a bit.  Items like our crate, kayaks, livewell, and even a stringer full of fish.  Anytime we load or unload these items we are twisting and placing them somewhere.  Learn to use the proper form in a controlled setting so when you move like that in real life, you will use the correct form and not hurt yourself!  All leading you to continue to enjoy our great hobby!

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Skunkset: Staying positive

The dreaded Skunkset picture. You know, the one that you post on social media when you went fishing but didn't land anything. Almost every one of us has had this awful experience.  We load our gear, double check to make sure we have everything we need and want to bring.  We get to the launch, load our kayaks with our gear and push off in hopes of catching a new personal best.  After throwing lure after lure we start to get disheartened.  We push on, tie on a bait we rarely use in hopes it would work.  Nothing.  Then we finally tie on our good ol’ sure-to-produce lure.  Aaannnddd nothing.  

Experiences like this can be extremely disappointing and make one of our favorite pass times that is suppose to calm us do the exact opposite.  It makes us irritated and wondering why we even decided to take it up.  Sadly these experiences don’t just happen to on the water.  They can happen with anything.  For example: running, learning a new subject, construction, and so much more.  The below tips although directed more at fishing they can apply to any part of your life that you are experiencing this disappointment.

Yes, you read that correctly.  Breathe.  Take a couple seconds, close your eyes, and breathe.  It may sound ridiculous but it will work.  So close your eyes, open your ears to hear the sounds around you, and breathe.  Then open your eyes and look at the beautiful place you get to fish.  You are able to be there, catching is secondary at best.  Use this time to connect with nature.  Look at the water, shoreline, sky, all of it and breathe all while listening to the sounds of nature. All around you.  Clear your mind and just let your surroundings entrance you.  After a couple breaths, breathe one more time and then go back to fishing.

Change Got to Get
As hard as this is to say and accept, especially when you’re feeling the skunk make this one change.  Instead of saying “I got to catch a fish” or “I need to catch a fish” say “I get to go fishing”.  It’s a blessing that you are able to go out and fish.  Let’s put some perspective on it.  Some folks may be stuck at work, have family commitments, or who knows what.  They may much rather be out there on the water, even if they aren’t catching.  You are lucky to have the time and everything it takes to be able to chase our hobbies.  It’s not a necessity, you don’t need to, and you don’t have to catch a fish.  You get to go fishing.

Original Reason for this Passion
When I get extremely frustrated with not having success I try to think back on why I originally took up this hobby.  Personally, I took up fishing because I couldn’t find a summer job after graduating college and wanted something to help me pass the time in between applying for jobs.  As soon as I hit the shore and started casting I remembered how I used to love the outdoors.  Something I completely forgot about for 6 years.  I love being in the fresh air, relaxing, and enjoying nature.  So when I get frustrated with a lack of success I go back to that feeling.  The love of being outside.  Then I breathe, intentionally smile, look around at the beautiful place I get to fish, and remember that I took this hobby up to pass the time and enjoy nature.  Why waste time getting mad or upset.  Just be outside and enjoying life.

Now all this is easier said (written and read) than it is to do.  I understand that.  Even I struggle with staying positive when I’m getting skunked.  I do my best to follow these three tips and I usually end up happy again and enjoying my time on the water.  I get to fish in amazing area's with great friends, and I’m able to be lucky enough to take the time to enjoy this hobby.  So don’t let the frustration get the better of you.  Remember to enjoy being outside, breathe, relax, and take in the fact that you get to do this!

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Old School Ice Fishing Made Easy

Photo Courtesy of Coulee Region Adventures

Winter’s coming and it’ll only be a matter of a few weeks before the snow flies and the ice takes over our waterways.  What does this mean for fisherman?  Some hang it up and wait until soft water appears again while others brave the cold and see if they can bring home fresh fish!  With the cold weather breathing down our necks it is a perfect time to get the muscles in shape so you can hit the ice safely.  I know, there are snowmobiles, fourwheelers, and more, but this one goes out to those don’t have those fun pieces of equipment and drag out a sled with their gear.  Do these 3 moves leading into and throughout the season and you will find getting on and back from the ice is a lot easier!

Leggy Lengthy Lunges
This move is a basic lunge but you want to make sure you get low enough to really grow the muscle.  So to pull this move off here’s what you do.  Stand tall feet next to each other facing forward.  Step the left foot forward about 4-5 feet in front of you.  Keep your back leg straight and bend your front knee.  The goal is to have a 90 degree bend in your right knee.  While keeping your left leg straight ensure that your upper body is looking straight ahead and not towards the ground.  Push off your right foot and have your left foot meet your right foot.  Repeat but stepping forward with your left foot.  For an extra burn, add some weights!  Dumb bells, a cat, your kid, fishing equipment, anything!

Around the Clock
Grab a light weight.  When I say light, I mean light, like 3 - 10 pounds, no more.  While standing reach your arms out in front of you holding the weight with both hands.  Then imagine you are stirring a cauldron full of mashed potatoes.  Stir in a counterclockwise direction for 30 seconds.  Then switch directions for another 30 seconds.  This will get you ready to hand auger any 15”+ deep hole!

Crouching Punch
Ok, so this is a strange one but it will help you drag that sled behind you.  Grab something soft to sit on, like carpet, a yoga mat, or something similar.  Lay down on your back with your feet on the floor causing your knees to be bent and up in the air.  Then make a very small curve of a c with your torso.  Crunch up with your hands in fists right in front of you (like a fighter).  Then as your back comes up to a 45+ degree angle punch the right and then left hands.  Put the hands back to the fighter position and lay back down.  Keep your belly button sucked back and abs engaged the entire time!

If you do these moves from now until there’s ice (and after) you’ll be set to hit the ice and catch some fish without struggling nearly as much with your gear!  Good luck and get fit!