Thursday, February 23, 2017

Wading Workout - Round 2

With the temps on the rise the ice from the lakes are melting and some rivers are opening up.  Some of those rivers are moving quite quickly others are still slow enough that we can wade through them safely.  These are the rivers and streams I can’t wait to hit!  Throw on a pair of waders and go out and do some catching (hopefully)!  A couple months ago I shared a Wading Workout to help you wade safely.  You can find it HERE if you like.   While those two mores are great, I’d thought I’d add a couple more to make sure you are fully ready to go after those river and streams with the slightly stronger currents.  (Warning: be sure you check the current and be smart and safe about it.  Don’t wade in any river that you are unsure of the current or depth and know it’s safe)

Walking Sideways
Sometimes it’s easier to walk sideways through the current as you’re breaking the current with both legs.  To gain strength and balance stand with your legs shoulder length apart.  Squat down keeping you knees behind your toes.  Then step to the right with your right foot and bring your left to meet it.  Then step to your left with your left foot and bring the right one to meet it.  To get even more from this you can get lower and/or grab a weight and hold it by your chest.

Big Step Balance
We know we should never take a step without having a firm footing when wading.  Let’s be honest, we all do at times.  While I advise that you only step when you have a firm footing, this move will help you take a bigger step and have better balance.  Stand with your feet shoulder length apart.  Crouch down and raise your left leg a couple inches while balancing on your right foot.  Extend your left arm and put your left hand on the outside part of your right foot. Then take a big step/small jump (probably around 3-4 feet) in front of you.  Land on your left food and raise your right foot a couple inches. (balancing on your left foot)  Crouch down and put your right hand on the outside part of your left foot.  Then jump backwards and land on your right foot.  Go back and forth a total of 10 times. Then switch feet so you jump forward with your right foot.  

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Spring Fever!

I’ve got a fever……and the only cure is….SPRING!  As much as I love Winter and the snow, I’m ready for Spring and hit some soft water with kayak!  I’m sure I can’t be the only one feeling this way.  It’s probably been awhile since you’ve been out and although you’re working out and are fit enough to fully enjoy the first day without aches and pains the next day let’s discuss getting the most out of the first day back out on the water safely.

Plan and Share
You’ve probably heard this 100 times before but it is never more true than at the beginning and end of the season.  With water temps just above freezing bad things can happen quickly.  Just in case the worst did happen, write down where you are going, what time you left, and the time you expect to be back.  Then share it with a family member or friend.  If this isn’t possible, leave it some obvious spot like the kitchen table or counter.

Proper swag
No doubt about it, if you’re headed out early in the season you’ll want to make sure you’re wearing the right swag!  No, I’m talking about a certain brand, I’m talking about what you actually are wearing.  First and foremost, wear a PFD!  Now onto clothing, layers are important.  With the temps fluctuating throughout the day, plus paddling you will want to have some layers on that you can take on and off throughout the day.  Even more than that, you need to protect yourself if you take an accidental dip in the freezing water.  There are many thoughts about what is proper to wear.  Some say waders if you have the belt on tight will keep your lower half mostly dry.  While I’m sure these work that still leaves half your body uncovered and lots of openings for water to get to your legs weighing you down.  The next step up would be a wet suit.  These can be tight and make paddling a little trickier.  Although if you do fall in, you’ll get wet, but you’ll stay warmer.  The best thing you can get is a dry suit.  These will keep you dry and safe.  You will want some warmer clothes on underneath and then jackets on to keep your upper body warm.  See what works for you and your budget.  If you choose to try waders, test it out in warm shallow water to see how much water it will take on.  When you hit cold water, things happen quickly and you won’t have much time to debate what to do.  And as always, no matter what, wear a PFD!

Why be alone?
The last tip for you to fully enjoy the first trip out of the year is to do with some friends!  There’s nothing better than to share the memories with good friends.  So invite them out, shoot the breeze, and enjoy the first trip of the year!

After you take your first trip, I’d love to know about it!  Tag or mention me in a photo and share your fun trip!  Just tag Spencer Jones and/or Jonesin’ to get fit on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter!

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Skip Chocolate - Try These

St. Valentine’s day is right around the corner and you don’t want to miss it again or get something last minute like you did last year.  That will never do!  Instead of getting the cute chocolates that will only added unnecessary sugar, burn off that romantic dinner by candlelight with these 3 partner moves.  You can get all hot ‘n sweaty, get fit...and keep it clean.  Well kind of. :)

#1 High Five Plank

Both of you get into a plank keeping the feet about shoulder length apart and the arms underneath the shoulder.  Then give eachother a high five while staying in plank. Watch the video to see it in action.

#2 Sprawl-Monkey Jump-Jump Knee Tuck

You’ll be getting all fours here!  Get your mind out of the gutter, this move isn’t as complicated as it may sound.  And once you get into the routine it flows quite smoothly.  One person lays down like a log. Then rolls to one side.  The other person jumps over (raising their knees) the person who is rolling.  Then they get down like a log.  The person who rolled first gets up and jumps over the person who is rolling now.  Watch the video for an explanation and demonstration.

#3 Partner Leg Raises

Who doesn’t love feeling skinny and gaining a six pack!  Then grab your partner and do some of these leg raise throw downs.  One person lays on their back.  The other person stands by the persons head with their feet by the shoulders of the person who is laying down.  Then the person on the floor grabs the legs of their partner.  They raise their legs (keeping them straight) to the person standing.  Then their partner throws down their legs.  The goal is for the legs to never touch the ground.  It’s tricky to explain via text so watch the video and learn.  You’ll get the hang of it in no time!

After these partner workouts, you’ll have worked off some of that romantic dinner and maybe even earned some chocolate!  I’d love to see how you did with them.  Take a photo, video, or even just let me know!  Find me on facebook, instagram, or twitter.  Just look up Jonesin’ to get Fit!

Monday, February 6, 2017

Jonesin' for Saifish

Winter Blues setting in but can't get out due to the cold and ice? Or maybe work is keeping you from hitting your favorite spot. Then get your fishing fix by joining YakAngler's Spencer Jones as he drives from the frozen tudra of Wisconsin to balmy Florida to compete in the Extreme Kayak Fishing Series Sailfish Smackdown! He will be taking you with him through live Facebook videos documenting the entire trip! Be sure to follow YakAngler and Spencer Jones on Facebook and subscribe to the Jonesin' to get Fit YouTube page to catch the updates! Solve your winter blues through this LIVE mini-series is brought to you from YakAngler, Jackson Kayak, Rutabaga Paddlesports, Bending Branches, Tailin' Toads, Manley Rods, Tommyhead Jigs, Jonesin' to get Fit, and Shorebound Hero.

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Thursday, February 2, 2017

What do you listen to?

This past year I got turned onto podcasts.  I’m personally not a huge reader, as it’s a struggle for me to read fast and comprehend.  What I’ve found is that I absolutely love books on tape, ok ok mp3, and podcasts.  Some are motivational, others business related, music related, and of course, fishing related.  I find that I learn quite a bit and am able to take away more information from listening than reading.  Maybe you’re the same way.  So I’d thought i’d share my top 2 podcasts that I love listening to.  I’d love to know what you enjoy reading and listening to.  Email me or tag me on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.  Just look up Jonesin’ to get Fit!  Ok onto my top 3.

1) Bluegills to Bullsharks by Israel Dunn
This podcast is all about human powered angling.  The host, Israel Dunn, does everything from shore fishing, from a kayak, float tube, wading, ice fishing, anything that’s human powered he does it!  In his weekly podcast he shares many tips and tricks on how to become a better fisherman or fisherwoman.  He became a good friend over this past year and I have learned quite a bit about fishing and life in general.  Check him and his podcast out here:

2) This is Your Life by Michael Hyatt
Michael teaches you how to take control of your life and gives you the tools so you can be successful.  Whether it’s goal setting, staying motivated, finding courage, or anything else life related this is your podcast.  He is an amazing story-teller and makes the concepts he is talking about reachable and understandable.  If you want to improve your life in any way, I highly recommend this podcast.  Find it here: